Learning Environment

The physical environment contributes to children’s wellbeing, happiness, creativity and developing independence.

Our indoor environment at Sorrento Preschool is a welcoming, inviting space that encourages children to feel safe and secure to explore, discover and grow.

Educators make thoughtful curriculum choices that cater to different developmental needs with a range of activities and age-appropriate play materials. We strive to make rooms visually inviting and stimulating, that make connections with nature, community and culture, encourage interactive play and showcase children’s work. Our rooms are sectioned into a variety of small, interactive spaces where spaces and objects are arranged based on Educators observations and knowledge of children’s interests and needs. Educators scaffold learning experienced based on the abilities the children are displaying, link to curriculum outcomes such as Identity, Community, Wellbeing, Learning and Communication.

7215 Sorrento PS Web Res-0360
7215 Sorrento PS Web Res-0452

Our outdoor environment is carefully designed as an extension of our indoor learning environment.

We connect with our natural environment under a canopy of trees with a variety of spaces including a sensory reflexology riverbed and a river course that runs down to a large sandpit, bike tracks, climbing equipment, cubby houses and outdoor sheltered play spaces that play home to tea parties, mud pies and plenty more. We care for our friends the rabbits, guinea pigs, budgies and fish and take great pride in collecting eggs from our kinder chickens. We taste fresh produce straight from our outdoor kitchen garden and use our binoculars and magnifying glasses to take a closer look at our friends the magpies, kookaburras, rosellas, miners and great varieties of bugs.